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Purified water is poured from a glass ju


10 signs.


The dehydration of the body then occurs  when the water level  in the body falls below the value necessary for its proper functioning. Water makes up 60-80% of the total body weight.  Consuming plenty of water each day is critical  for the proper functioning of the body. If you don't deliver enough  the amount of water, the body sends out a series of signals  warning and informing you that you need to refill the water immediately.


1. Headache.

Your body uses your body's fluid all the time, not just water, but salt as well  mineral  such  like sodium and potassium. When the level of hydration drops, a chemical reaction takes place in the blood to which  our brain is very sensitive. Your brain is reacting  headache. The headache gets stronger the more water you lose  the more the blood volume drops, the less oxygen flows to the brain. This causes the blood vessels to dilate  which in effect intensifies  Headache.


2. Clogged intestines.

Water helps the food waste move around in  intestines and excretion  them out of the body. Not enough water  leads to  constipation.


3. Standing up makes you dizzy.

Have you ever got up quickly and felt that your head was spinning? This is one of the signs of dehydration in the body.  Lack of water in the body causes a decrease in the amount  and pressure  blood, leading to  feelings  "emptiness" in the head or dizziness.  


4. Increased feeling of hunger.

Early symptoms, indicating a lack of water in the body, also include the need to snack.  If you eat a sufficient and regular amount of meals, and still feel compelled to eat, especially food products with a lot of water, such as fruit, then this could be a signal that your body is running out of water.

Try to drink a glass of water and check  do you still want to snack.


5. Is your urine good  very yellow?

An obvious symptom of dehydration is dark bile in your urine.  This means that your urine is over-concentrated. This is because the water helps flush "waste" out of the body.  Paradoxically too small  quantity  liquids  compels  organism  down  stopping  and  collection  inventory. Thanks to the hormone vasopressin  the water stays  stopped  in the kidneys and instead of staying  expelled  Total   with urine, there is  returned to the blood vessels. As a result of this, we not only risk painful swelling, but also a deterioration in the condition of the whole body, which is not  enough  cleaned. The optimal amount of water to drink should be 1.5 to 2 liters per run  on a  if  there is heat or increased physical exertion even more.  

When you are fully hydrated, the amount of water your body can lose is more, then your urine is lighter in color and your body is "flushed out" more effectively.  


6. All you think about is sleeping.

If there are no indications that you feel tired and sleepy, it may be a sign that your body is dehydrated. When you feel tired, it's time to drink some water.  When there is enough water in your body, it moves into your bloodstream.  this  helps  in maintaining adequate  the amount of blood and regulates it  pressure. When the body is dehydrated blood  reduces  volume, and this in turn leads to a decrease  pressure and  reduction  blood oxygen level. This lack of oxygen slows down  the functions of muscles and nerves, making us  tired.


7. Overheating.

Your body needs enough water to regulate your body temperature. When we overheat -  we sweat! The sweating process helps the body to regulate  temperature.  Since sweat is mostly water, when you are dehydrated, your body will not be able to produce enough sweat, even though it will be overheated and should lower your temperature.


8. Dry mouth.

An obvious indicator that your body is dehydrated is  dry mouth and a slightly swollen tongue. When you feel dry it's time to grab a glass of water!


9. Muscle cramps.

Adequate hydration and the balance of electrolytes is essential for the proper functioning of the muscles. When you are dehydrated, the electrolyte balance is disturbed. When the level  sodium and potassium are low as a result can occur   painful  will contract  muscles. Irrigation  can help prevent  cramps.


10. Your skin is losing its elasticity.

Hydration is essential to keep skin looking young and to prevent it from losing its plumpness. A simple test to see if you are dehydrated is the "pinch test". Grab the skin - just like to pinch -  then release and check  how quickly it will return to its original appearance. If it returns to normal quickly, you are hydrated. If it takes a while, most likely  you need  hydration.  


Most of us just forget to drink water during a day of work and chores. If you need support in remembering to hydrate your body, electronics can help. There are many applications that will remind us to stay hydrated during the day, such as:   









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