"Pieniądze szczęścia nie dają" czy na pewno?
Pomimo rosnących dochodów ludzie na całym świecie, odczuwają coraz większą presję czasu. Coraz więcej osób zwraca uwagę, że często płacimy nie pieniędzmi, ale własnym czasem.
Dreams have always interested people. Today, thanks to numerous studies, we know much more about why we dream. However, many questions remain unanswered.
Narcissus is a personality disorder, while the alcoholic is an addiction. WITH Seemingly, various psychological aspects have more in common than you might think.
How to be happy?
How Can I Deal With a Narcissist?
Deprived of empathy, narcissists do not see how their actions affect others, and therefore feel entitled to abuse other people. Therefore, it is especially important to establish solid boundaries with them and learn how to deal with them. Meet seven effective approaches.
Is your partner a narcissist?
Narcissus is not looking for a partner, there is no room for another person in his life. WITH this reason is not it's easy to love a narcissist. Consequently, your desires and needs are ignored or unnoticed.
There is this especially frustrating when it depends U.S on creation mutually
satisfactory relationship.
How our self-esteem affects our children.
How Can I Survive the Time of Isolation?
Emotions locked in the body.
According to the definition of the World Health Organization, psychosomatic diseases are "diseases that occur either in the form of functional disorders or organic changes in individual organs or systems, in the course of which mental factors play an important role in the occurrence of disease symptoms and their exacerbation". Stress and other emotions can be a factor triggering various pains in the body.
Less sitting, more movement.
People all over the world suffer from overweight, diabetes, heart disease, children and adolescents are increasingly depressed ... the list goes on. The problem is an unhealthy diet and little exercise. WITH for this reason, the World Health Organization, taking care of human health has given a new guideline on healthy habits for children.
Today we all have smartphones and tablets, even our children, who often get them as Holy Communion gifts at the age of 8. Of course, the point is not to isolate the child from electronics, pretending that the world is as it used to be, because it is not. Each of us is more or less dependent on phones and computers. However, it's worth knowing the long list of threats that are waiting on users of video games and social media to deal with it before it's too late.
For several centuries, people believed that their talents could only be given by God. They thought they were born with a certain level of IQ that nothing could work with to do. Numerous studies show that we can tune our intelligence and increase our abilities. And learning new skills helps our brain.
What you should know of anxiety.
Most people do not recognize their anxiety symptoms, but instead think that there is something "wrong" with them. Some experience physical symptoms among others: stomach pain, increased heart rate, shortness of breath. Others think they are strangely weak and even that they are crazy! Unfortunately, these thoughts only make people feel even more anxious, so the first step to managing your anxiety effectively is to learn to understand and recognize it.
Surely you are familiar with the phrase "you are what you eat" And did you know that it all starts in the brains ( plural is not a mistake) - you have them two! Of course, you have one brain in your head that is the main control center for everything you think and do. But did you know there is a second "brain" in the belly?