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What  to do to survive at home

time  epidemic? 

March 28, 2020
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Isolation and home quarantine are difficult experiences that have a negative impact on the psyche. Our world has changed overnight.  We stopped meeting with friends, and often with family, for fear of accidentally bringing the coronavirus to our  older or sick relatives.  Shops, cinemas, galleries, theaters, cafes have closed ... Most of us do not go to work or work from home. 

We are worried about health, finances, the future ... The media also  they fuel fear by showing the increasing numbers of illnesses and deaths in the world. We are afraid for our lives, the lives of our loved ones, loans to pay off, limited freedom ... 

How about focusing on the positives? Yes, I know what positives I am writing about when the whole world is fighting a new virus? This  it will end sometime! A vaccine will be invented, a drug developed, humanity will immunize ... I know, everyone has their own private problems, big and small. But there are things we won't change. We are not going to beat the coronavirus   this second, but focusing on the negatives and winding up in fear won't help you. And this  everything today  scares in  subject of this virus will pass. A restless mind cannot generate peaceful solutions. Purchase  on here and now. There is no point in writing  black scenarios of what bad can happen to you   happen  and what dramas  They will meet (maybe they will meet,  and  maybe  they will miss  No one knows this).  Tomorrow can bring you the opportunities you are talking about today  so you don't think ...  


Not  comb  The Internet  all  days  In  search  messages  about  next  cases 

sickness and death. If you have to, check  news once, preferably not in the morning after waking up, nor in the evening  before sleeping.  


Use phones,  social media, e-mail ... anything that will allow you to be with your family and  friends in touch without leaving home. Being together in difficult times is supportive for everyone.  


Peace of mind is the key to mental health and  the body's resistance. Fear is connected with something real, e.g. the fear of medical staff that a sick patient may become infected with COVID-19.  Whereas fear  before a serious one  disease or death as a result of it,  it is already a figment of the imagination. Statistics show that a significant proportion of people suffering from COVID-19  she had been suffering mildly, and some of them might not even have known about it.  Follow the recommendations of the services  medical.  Practicing meditation, yoga or Qigong will help you calm down  thinks  expanding  anxiety.  If you have fears  take a few deep breaths, focus on the breath:  deep  inhale with your nose  - slow exhalation through the mouth ..,. inhale Exhale! Concentrate how oxygen flows through your mouth into your body, fills your lungs, and leaves through your mouth. repeat this  a few  times.

Turn on the music! Dance! 

Thoughts are powerful, they can make you anxious or put you in a good mood. Focus on what makes you feel better!  


Do not disregard what the doctor says and do not make up stories of where and what this virus is for. Viruses, like bacteria, were, are and will be.   

  1. Do not leave home unless it is really necessary.

  2. Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home.

  3. If there is no soap and water nearby, dry disinfect your hands (water dilutes the disinfectant, making it less effective)

  4. If you go shopping, take gloves with you disposable (surgical, diagnostic). Make purchases in these gloves (remember not to touch your hair or face with your hand), take them off so  ( HERE and HERE  you can see the movies  instructional)  To roll them , turning them over to the other side, i.e. to the clean side, and with the other glove with a clean hand, put your finger in the glove at the wrist, being careful not to touch it  external  parts  and downloading  also roll it like in the case of the first glove. Throw it in the trash.  

  5. Shop in your own bag . If possible avoid  baskets.

  6. Bought  leave things in a dry room (viruses will dry out and die).  The research proved that the SARS-CoV-2 virus remains active: sprayed in a room - 3 hours , on plastic and stainless steel - up to 72 hours; on copper - up to 4h; on cardboard - up to 24 hours.    

  7. if  if you decide that you may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and contracted COVID-19 disease, take off your clothes and take a bath after entering your home (washing your hair thoroughly). Leave what you don't need to take, e.g. from the car, outside the home.  Wash everything at at least 60 degrees C.

  8. If you suspect you may have COVID-19 - wear a mask and isolate yourself ruthlessly. Also notify the sanitary services about your suspicion.   

Exercise at home!  

In a healthy body, healthy mind.   Nothing relaxes you and lets you release difficult emotions as well as exercise. Exercise is a great way not only to keep your body healthy, but also to have a calmer mind. Frustration, anger and anger are best released by jumping, sweating and exercising intensively. After such physical exertion, your body will take over endorphin - and this is the hormone of happiness, pleasure and contentment.   Many famous trainers offer online trainings and in recent days even conduct them live. join  to one of them and incorporate exercise into your daily routine. You know me you'll feel much better.   And by the way, when isolation happened  finished, you will leave the house in a new body.

If you don't like or with  reasons  health, you can not exercise intensively - "jump"  - choose yoga, qigong  or stretching. The body likes movement, no  likes to  seating so  find  the form of movement that best suits you.   


Sleep  enough hours , eat well and exercise. A rested body and mind are healthier and calmer , maybe because then the defense mechanisms of our immune system  they work efficiently.  Allow yourself to enjoy yourself: read a good book, make a home SPA, cook a new dish, tinker ... Do something that makes you happy  pleasure and relaxes.  


Maintain a routine while sitting at home. Get up at the same time, take a shower,  drink your morning tea or coffee. Dress up, do your hair. Plan what to do for the day  you will do.  If you stay all day in pajamas in front of the TV  you will soon begin to feel emptiness, powerlessness and sadness.  Don't do this to yourself!

What to do in the new reality, spending whole days at home?


Take care of  things you never had time for:  


  • Read the books from this pile where you put aside interesting books and hope that someday there will be time to read them. That time has come.

  • Organize your documents .


  • Tidy up the wardrobe / cabinets.


  • Start learning  foreign language . There are tons of on-line applications and courses. Many of them are free.

  • Enroll in an on-line course that you always thought about, but somehow was out of time.

  • Stick to the end of the album with photos, or plan which photos you need to develop when the time of the plague is over. Upload them to a pendrive.


  • Make a video of your last vacation - if you shot a lot of short scenes, now's a good time to put them together. You don't know how to do it? Now is a great time to learn how to use movie making programs.


  • Do you have a GARDEN ? Great, you can prepare it for spring, rake the lawn, plan if and what needs to be planted ...

  • Did you knit or crochet in your childhood? I remember school classes where we were taught to conjure up something reasonable using yarn and knitting needles / crochet. It came out differently. Anyway, with the help of my grandmothers, I made clothes for my dolls and teddy bears. Today  I rediscovered knitting, I started with pillows and a winter blanket. You will find instructional videos on the Internet. You can also buy yarn, knitting needles or crochet hook and instructions HERE.  

  •   Bake bread or rolls at home. The wonderful smell of fresh bread will spread throughout the kitchen, and you will love the taste of home-made bread.  

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