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Are you and your baby sleeping 

enough hours a day?

Family sleeping in bed on abstract natur

Sleep is one of the most important "activities" in our life. During sleep, our body regenerates and rests. We often get angry that sleeping takes our time, which most of us still miss. But is sleep really a waste of time?


The 1959 experiment. The year showed that a person who has been awake for several days is exposed to unimaginable mental states. In 1959, 32-year-old DJ and radio presenter Peter Tripp took part in a charity event. To earn money, he allowed himself to be locked in a glass box in Times Square and began a 200-hour marathon of wakefulness called  "Wakeathon". He was supposed to conduct his broadcast for 8 days. All this time he was under the care of doctors, but in 1959 the effects of prolonged lack of sleep were not yet known and no one told him how bad it was to stay awake for 8 days. After two days, Peter began to experience visual hallucinations, for example, seeing cobwebs in his shoes. After 100 hours, his memory deteriorated a lot and he had big problems with simple performance tests. With each passing hour, his hallucinations grew more terrifying: a doctor's teed suit seemed to him to be made of hairy caterpillars, and when he went to the hotel to change his clothes, he saw a chest of drawers burning. Trying to explain this vision to himself, he concluded that the fire was set on purpose by doctors in order to terrify him and test him.

A simple algebraic problem that he had previously solved with ease now required a superhuman effort, and Tripp broke down, terrified that he was incapable of solving it even though he was making every effort to deal with it. After 170 hours, it was hard to look at Tripp's torment, who was no longer sure if he was himself and tried in various ways to obtain some kind of proof of his own  identity. He was acting as though he was not sleeping, but the bioelectrical recordings of his brain were characteristic of sleep. In his psychotic visions, Tripp was sure the doctors were plotting against him to send him to prison. At the end of the 200-hour, sleepless, hallucination and reality fused together, Tripp was convinced he was a victim of the doctors' sadistic conspiracy. After 200 hours, Tripp was finally able to go to bed and slept for 48 hours. When he awoke, everything seemed to be back to normal, but his wife was not sure, their marriage started to fall apart until they finally got divorced.   


Peter Tripp and his charity marathon is a glaring example of sleep deprivation. Most of us don't have to face such challenges. But what if this dream is not enough? People deprived of sleep may become overweight, they look less healthy and attractive. The body's immunity lowers, we lose the ability to react quickly and the ability to remember information. Lack of sleep promotes risky behavior and can even lead to madness.

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The international sleep organization (The National Sleep Foundation (NSF)) in collaboration with numerous experts in various fields (anatomy, physiology, pediatrics, neurology, gerontology and gynecology)  published a report on recommended sleep hours for different age groups ( 1 ), ( 2 ).


It is worth remembering that not only the quantity, but also the quality of sleep is important and what doctors recommend in the East - an adult should go to bed between 9:30 pm and 11:00 pm, because the hours of sleep until midnight have a huge impact on the well-being and the degree of sleep.

Check on your own. Do a little experiment. If you are an adult, go to sleep before 11 p.m. and sleep for at least 6 hours. Compare that to the night you fell asleep after midnight. What are your insights from this experiment? 

Lack of sleep in children is as bad as it does in adults, with the difference that children and their brains are still growing, so they need more sleep to regenerate the body. If a person up to 18 years of age (more or less the brain develops by this age) will sleep less per day than the recommended time for their age group, then their attention span decreases, memory is weakened, intelligence and the ability to solve, for example, mathematical tasks decrease. , the body's resistance decreases, the risk of overweight problems increases, and irritability occurs.  

Elementary School in Kenosha has developed a bedtime schedule for children to help parents consider how much and at what times their children should go to bed. Of course, each child is different and the amount of sleep is different, but it is worth taking into account the suggested hours for sleep for different age groups and observe both our children's and ourselves. If your baby is the type that is reluctant to go to bed and it takes a long time to fall asleep, you are not alone in this problem. You should take this into account when sending your baby to sleep and start calming down early enough. Send to the toilet in advance, give a drink, bring your favorite cuddly toy, dim the light in the child's room  instead of television, turn on a radio drama, instead of a tablet or electronic games, give a book to read, etc. I know, I know it is easier to write, it is harder to do, but it is worth taking care of a well-rested child's body, it only benefits the child, and we have more time for ourselves.

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