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7  habits,  which  they increase 


April 13, 2018
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Brain gears and cogs. Mental illness, ps

For several centuries, people believed that their talents could only be given by God. They thought they were born with a certain level of IQ that nothing could work with  to do.  

Numerous studies show that​​ we can tune our intelligence and increase our abilities. Learning new skills helps our brain to create neural pathways that have a positive effect on its functioning, and thus the intellect.  Below seven  interests that increase IQ.

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Research ( 1 )  suggest that playing an instrument on a regular basis changes the shape and power of the brain and can be used in therapy to improve cognitive abilities.

It is the most important of all activities because it has the greatest effect on the brain. Increases imagination, observation power, communication, math skills,  benefits our memory, brain function, and executive skills.  







It is no coincidence that these very satisfied and happy people read a lot of books. Research shows that it may not be just fun ( 2 , 3 ).

Reading is therapeutic in many ways. Whether it's the series " A Song of Ice and Fire", "Lord of the Rings" or the latest Business Weekly, the effect is the same - it calms down  nerves and relaxes  head.  

It helps in connecting information, solving dilemmas, dealing with problems better, recognizing patterns, understanding people. In the business world, this is a great skill in managing people.  

Reading increases our linguistic competence and broadens  vocabulary,  expands knowledge and increases brain activity.  "If" smarter "means having an extensive vocabulary and more knowledge  about the world ... this reading can make people smarter "  he wrote  psychologist Keith Stanovich  ( 4 )  







A review of studies assessing the effect of vigorous physical activity on cognitive performance in adults ( 5 ) showed that aerobic exercise for 60 minutes facilitates information processing. Conversely, prolonged exercise, which leads to dehydration, jeopardizes both information processing  what  memory.

You can't do 20 push-ups every three months and expect results. Regularity is very important here. You don't have to treat yourself to an extreme training session every day. Even if it takes 15 minutes a day, do it.  Exercises  they improve  memory, concentration and understanding.

Remember that staying in a sitting position for too long does more harm than good.







Research ( 6 )  show that those who speak more than one language  easier  they solve  riddles.  Learning a new language has a positive effect on the brain and increases memory. P will dress up  n even your organizational skills.  The additional language will also look great on your CV.  







Most of us know the concept of memorizing an infinite number of pages before an exam - the 3Z rule (Forget - Pass - Forget). We often quickly forget what we remember for the exam because it is really that knowledge  it is not us  needed.

The situation is different when you acquire a new language ( 7 ). Then your intelligence shoots out  because of learning  holistic. During this process, you learn large amounts  words, punctuation marks, syntax ... and that's it  you must remember  Material  to repeat. If you use this technique in your daily life, it will help you a lot. Buy a small notebook (one for your pocket or purse) in which to write down  important things, and view these passages at your leisure.







Everything that affects your brain:   games (eg chess), crosswords, riddles, puzzles ... increases  neuroplasticity ( 8 ). Neuroplasticity is the term used to describe changes in the brain that occur in response to an experience. There are many different mechanisms of neuroplasticity, from the growth of new connections to the creation of new neurons.  Put simply it  it allows the brain to organize itself better.  Our mental horizon widens and our cognitive abilities improve.

Neuroplasticity  maybe  also help in the fight against  stress and depression.







Scientist Richard Davidson conducted an experiment on Tibetan monks ( 9 ).  He wanted to see if some mental waves could be produced on demand.

When, during meditation, a scientist  he asked  to focus on compassion  he found all the monks with deep compassion.

The results of the research done on this  In an extraordinary attempt, they suggest that in the course of long-term meditation for thousands of hours, practitioners actually changed the structure and function of their brains.

The greatest influence and benefit of meditation is the manipulation of emotions. You can help your brain reprogram itself and induce any feeling you need. It makes a person stronger.  Research on the brain and meditation shows  that "We can all take responsibility for our brains" for emotions and thoughts.



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