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How to get out of  comfort zones  and make your dreams come true?

November 25, 2020
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Clifftop Yoga

Freedom waits for you in the breezes of the sky,

and you ask "what if i fall?"

Oh, but baby, what if you recommend?

Erin Hanson




Zone  comfort is defined in psychology as a safe sphere of our habits and habits, a space known to us, predictable and covering what we encounter every day. It is a space that we know perfectly well and we feel good and safe in it.


We hear very often that we should leave the zone  comfort, for our well-being and development. But what does that really mean? And why should we leave the zone where we are comfortable?


For example, if you have a nice job that you like and feel at home  well what you would have for  to change it? If, on the other hand, you are in a relationship that is toxic, what comfort zone are we talking about here? More like a discomfort zone and leave it as soon as possible.  



Imagine a person, let's call him Gustav. Gucio is in his safe and comfortable home where you feel good  he feels and likes him very much. It's nice, warm and doesn't need anything else. He is lying on the couch under a warm, fluffy blanket with a good book in hand.  Favorite music plays quietly in the background. Taka - “wait forever!”. This is for Gucio COMFORT. However, outside the window, the wind is raging and it is snowing and raining. It is cold, gray and gloomy.  

Who will leave a comfortable situation where nothing is missing and come out into the snow with rain just because around it hears "Leave the safe zone"? If you do not miss anything, it is good and comfortable, then you will go out "into the snow and rain" just because others say you should?  I would not be chased away and no volatile slogans "Leave the safe zone for your good and development"  they will not persuade  me to go out into the "rain and snow" when I see no need or necessity in it.  

It is different if it suddenly turns out that in this supposedly comfortable situation, something is missing. Let's say reading a book and lying under a fluffy blanket  Suddenly, Gucio thinks that it is good and comfortable, but ... and after a long reflection, Gucio states that he lacks hot cocoa. He goes to the kitchen and sadly discovers that  there is no cocoa. Of course he can come back  on the couch  and manage without this treat.  But what if he has an irresistible urge and you feel that "hot cocoa" is lacking to be completely happy at the moment, and that need does not want to go away, disturbing your comfort?  


A "couch in an apartment" can be a relationship, work, appearance ... and "cocoa" is any need that suddenly disturbs our idyll: the need for new challenges in our professional life, the desire to lose a few kilos, improve a foreign language or learn a new ...  

Anyone can insert here what concerns his situation and life.


First, you should think about it  myself  Are you thinking of leaving your comfort zone, apparent comfort or discomfort? What do you want to leave behind  for what? Or what you  missing? What do you want to change?


When you notice that your comfort zone is only relatively comfortable, because you are missing something, or you want something behind you  to leave. Consider  what you can do to change it. If, on the other hand, you are in a discomfort zone, take off as fast as you can  da.


Let's go back  down  "cocoa".  

Step 1:  What to do to achieve your  objective.

Having a rest with a book, Gucio will decide that it is to complement his comfort  and have a drink  cocoa, he must buy it first.  


You, too, think about it  what exactly is your goal.

             The more precisely and precisely you define your goal, the easier it will be not to lose it  out of sight, a                thus achieve .  


Step 2. Develop an action plan.

Gucio decided that in order to buy cocoa he must leave the house - on  snow, rain and wind-  go to the store and buy the necessary products. If he decides that the goal is worth the effort, despite the comfortable atmosphere at home and the terrible weather outside, the motivation  it will be big enough to start working.  


             It is important what motivates you, because it can be without this inner strength  hard to get to                 purpose.  



Step 3.  Collision with Failure .

Gutek goes to a nearby shop, but it turns out that they don't have the cocoa he likes. Of course, he can be content with the one that is available in the store, but he knows that he will not like it.  This is the first failure.


Step 4. Failure to act as lessons for the future.  

Gutek can  in this situation  surrender,  go out without cocoa, or buy what he doesn't like, or… forge  failure  into a lesson  and consider what went wrong. Upon reflection, it will turn out, for example, that the shop he came to  is a small, local trade point, which does not have a full assortment. Drawing conclusions from this, he decides to go  myself  to a large store a few kilometers away. Unfortunately, it does not have a car. Another difficulty. 

And again, he can wander this one  way  alone, but the weather is definitely not conducive  which can quickly discourage and demotivate to further action. Or he'll ask someone for help. She decides to call a friend, parent, partner and ask for help. In order not to limit yourself  for only one way to achieve the goal (driving to the store), he may ask if they have  Gucia's favorite cocoa at home.  


              On the way to your destination, it is worth having someone who will help (friend, parent, siblings,                      partner) i  will not allow  that you  myself  surrendered, he will motivate and encourage to action.  



              Don't limit yourself to just one way to achieve your goal. The more methods, the more                  bigger  chance for success.




And this way our Hero is lying on the couch again, in his apartment reading a book, listening to music and drinking delicious, hot cocoa.   



If you are reading this article, maybe there is something that disturbs your peace, your safe zone.  


Before you decide that you need to leave the "zone  comfort ", consider the following story that I found on the Internet, which perfectly illustrates the fact that before we start acting, we must think:" What do we want to achieve? "," Where to get? ",  What to leave  behind?" and "Why is it important to us?"


A well-known American investment advisor was sitting on a coastal rock in a small Mexican village when a modest fisherman's boat landed on the shore. There were several large tuna in the boat. The American, admiring the fish, asked the Mexican:  

- How long did you catch them?

- Just a few moments.  

- Why didn't you go fishing any longer - would you catch more fish?  

- The ones I have are quite sufficient for my family's needs.  

The American asked further:  

- So what do you spend the rest of your time on?  

- I sleep a long time, do a little fishing, play with the children, spend a siesta with my wife, in the evening I will go to the village, where I sip wine and play the guitar with my amigos - I run a happy and busy life.  

The American laughed sarcastically and said:  

- I'm a Harvard graduate and I can help you. You should spend more time fishing, then you will be able to buy a bigger boat, thanks to it you will fish more and you will be able to buy several boats. Eventually you'll have a flotilla. Instead of selling the fish to a wholesaler for almost nothing, you will be able to deliver them directly to the stores, then start your own chain of stores. You will control fishing, processing and distribution. You will be able to leave this little village and move to Mexico City, then Los Angeles, and even New York, from where you will manage your ever-growing business.  

The Mexican fisherman interrupted:  

- How long will all this go on?  

- 15, maybe 20.  

- And then what?  

The American smiled and said:  

Then the most pleasant things will happen. At the right moment, you will be able to sell your company on the stock exchange and become terribly rich, you will earn many millions. - Millions?  

- And what's next?  

- Then you will be able to retire, move to a small village on the Mexican coast, sleep a long time, fish a little, play with the children, have a siesta with your wife, go to the village in the evening, where you will sip wine and play the guitar with your amigos.


Comfort zones exist in every area of our lives. The key to success is to be aware of them and see which areas of security may not meet our current goals. Which comfort zones prevent you from creating change?


To answer these questions:  

  • investigate your comfort zones first. 

  • Then determine the solution to the problem. 

  • Do you want to go beyond the known into the unknown? 

  • Is the desired change worth the discomfort of abandoning the familiar?  

Nobody can answer these questions except you.


If you've found yourself  in the zone of apparent comfort or discomfort. Or you feel bored with your routine every day and you want to change it or develop, it's time to act.  



Think why the given behavior or task is important to you. What do you want to achieve, where to go.  


It is best to ask yourself if, when thinking about this task / behavior, you feel anxious or want to do it. If not, then maybe it's not worth taking up the challenge. Imagine something that doesn't really matter to you, but everyone else says, "you have to get out of your comfort zone", "you have to take risks." All right, but if your friends are persuading you  for a bungee jump and you don't feel like it. It is not about paralyzing  fear, but the fact that it is usually not your cup of tea and you do not need it for anything, maybe it is not worth taking  myself  tasks?  

Another situation if you want to change something, e.g. you are shy and tired of you  this feature blocks in the face of strangers. And a friend invites you to a lecture in which you are to be the speaker, to tell the story  about your passion, experience, work ... Thoughts about speaking in front of a large and strange audience may paralyze, but this experience may turn out to be  the beginning of dealing with shame.  



Do you already know what and why you want to achieve?



Make a plan and work out ways to get it done.

Consider  what you can do to achieve the goal. Plan small steps and use different opportunities on your way to your goal, don't limit yourself  only one way.  

  • If you want to work on your shyness, you can accost a stranger every day: ask a passer-by for the time or for a bus to take you to your destination; store employee  about the product you are looking for ... 

  • If you want to lose weight, but you live in the refrigerator every night, or you can't resist  sweets. Start by eliminating the sweets  completely or in small steps. Better a little change than that  none. For example, after 3 p.m. you do not eat anymore  nothing sweet. If you sweeten your coffee  or tea, limit the amount of added sugar. If you drink sweetened drinks, give them up and start drinking water  or fruit / herbal infusions ...  Eat the last, light meal 3 hours before bedtime, and if you feel hungry afterwards, drink warm herbal infusions that will not make you feel worse.  You have problems falling asleep (e.g. lemon balm, chamomile) ... 

  • If you are thinking of starting your own business and you have an idea for it. Find out  whether what you want to sell to others will actually be bought. What can you do to make others buy your product? Maybe you need a partner to work out together  action plan, share  costs and obligations ...  

There are many possibilities.  



Krakow wasn't built in a day.  

Getting out of your comfort zone doesn't have to be  immediately a great leap into the unknown. Start with small steps, little things that you will do differently than usual. As I wrote before, a small change is better than nothing.  


Find a person who will support you in your pursuit of your goal.

It can be a professional coach or a friend, sister / brother, mom / dad. It is important that it is a person who will support you, will be with you in moments of glory and failure. Yes, there will be failures too.


get ready  to failures and failures.  

Unfortunately, getting out of your comfort zone comes together  with failures and failures. This is normal and natural. Otherwise, it would not be leaving your comfort zone. 😉 It is important that you  he did not treat it as the end of the world and he did not listen to that sabotaging voice in your head, which now will probably scream loudly "And I did not say that you  fail !? " "Give it up!" "Everyone is  now they are laughing at you! What was it for? " "Take care of  something fun and stop exposing yourself to that! " Remember that they happen to ALL, even those who are spectacularly successful  myself  failure and failure. However, it is important not to treat  this in terms of a life catastrophe and the end of the world, but he pulled out  conclusions, he learned  and made changes. This is what successful people do.  



Why are we so afraid  leave your comfort zone?


There are a ton of reasons why many (perhaps most) people never reach their full potential. He avoids challenges that would make it possible for them. They feel frustrated and dissatisfied - not only with themselves, but with their whole life. Even so, they are not taking the appropriate action. They lack the motivation to break down barriers, which keeps them in place. And they never know how much they could achieve or how far they could go.  

They are afraid to leave  zone  comfort, protecting your individual safety (sense of inner value, self-perception) and relational (contacts with others). Living a careful life reduces what would otherwise (at least temporarily) upset our emotional balance. Each of us has a kind of inner guardian of our security. Sentry,  which is designed to help us survive. This inner voice very often warns us of a potential threat and urges us to refrain from actions that may  weaken or defeat us. Often this voice is an ordinary saboteur. A saboteur,  which by encouraging self-defense and threatening with the consequences of leaving the safe zone,  it weakens most people.   


With all  Certainly, facing the risks associated with taking up challenges and broadening the perspective of our lives can be  disturbing. The willingness to be brave and follow "dreams" is not without its dangers. We feel anxious, sometimes very strong, when we are to risk our action and our stability  and emotional security because  new is uncertain. Majority  of people is a master at making excuses for which it's better not to change anything in your life. Although  it is not perfect, maybe it is boring, maybe it is not happy and does not bring satisfaction,  however, this state of affairs is known to us, which makes it stable and safe.  

    The truth is that if you dare  and you oppose uncertainty and this skeptical saboteur - "voice" in your head - and often also relatives who want good for you, then you can take full advantage of  the different opportunities that arise  myself  in your life. So when  they will get you  for all these physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety there is a need  enormous fortitude of spirit to resist  danger and get out  against the unknown.  



What may be holding you back:


You are tormented by perfectionism . It's because of the need  having done everything perfectly, you wait endlessly before taking or quitting an action. You are afraid that what would be helpful or pleasant in the implementation of your plan will not give the expected result, and even worse  may not be perfect. So, plagued by nagging objections and doubts, you postpone action until the opportunity to do something disappears. Unfortunately, perfectionism can  lead to paralysis of the will, which in turn reduces the motivation to pursue goals that are meaningful to you.


You lack self-efficacy . The feeling of effectiveness is the belief that you have acquired through years of practice that you can successfully achieve almost anything you want. I write deliberately  almost, because let's be realistic, we are not able to achieve everything and a huge amount  these things lie in an area that does not interest us. Without this self-confidence (seen here synonymous with effectiveness), you may not be able to face the challenge because you don't have enough faith to be successful. Without the "I can do it" mindset, no  you will undertake  a new task, for fear that you will not be able to handle it effectively. You will not leave your comfort zone because you are concerned that the venture you are considering may exceed your abilities.


He mastered you  fear of failure . Fear of failure combined with a feeling of low effectiveness is an explosive mixture that slows down the action. Fear of failure relates more to a lack of emotional resources to deal with the potentially negative outcome of your work. This fear inhibits your motivation to act. It's important to  learn, turn failure into a lesson  for the future (i.e. it is possible that you have ruled out something in your action that you previously thought might work, and who knows, maybe it would work  try it  once again with the acquired knowledge).  

Many people ultimately lack the "winning" perspective they do  they own  successful people. It failed, sometimes, I draw conclusions and keep trying.  Think of young children who are learning  walk, read, write, speak ... Their motivation is huge, they don't get discouraged  numerous falls, slow spelling, writing inverted - mirror - letters. They keep trying and trying until they finally succeed. You were such a child too. Let this be one of your first experiences as a confirmation that you did. You did not get discouraged despite the huge number of "failures"  and you've achieved developmental success - you're reading this article at last.  

Research by psychologists clearly shows that there is nothing wrong with failure, but we must learn to accept it and treat it as an incentive to work harder. We are helped by persistence, self-control and the attitude that we are people who  are constantly evolving because no one, not even ourselves, is able to predict what our potential is.


You are afraid of rejecting others . If gaining the approval of others is most important to you, then trying to act may increase your fear of being laughed at by others. Misunderstanding of your actions or criticism from the environment. For this reason, you may not take any action.


You lack emotional support and have not yet developed the independence to "go alone". If necessary, you should be your own supporter to encourage further activities. But if you are afraid of being overwhelmed by the challenge without the support of others  and you need someone to guide you  it will push you or you will stop an already begun venture or you will not undertake it.


You suffer from depression, pessimism, malaise, cynicism, or a general sense of hopelessness and futility . This long list  timing suggests that you may not be up to the challenge because of whatever upsets you - your negative mood, state of mind, or general attitude. If you feel lethargic, discouraged, and maybe even bitter, then obviously your will to take on something difficult will not be strong enough to make it happen - let alone be successful.


You lack self-discipline . Perhaps you are really sure that you can achieve what you want, but if you lack diligence and diligence to implement your ideas, you will not get far. Your motivation will eventually fade away if you are unable to use it to achieve your goal. If your focus in life is for play (versus work), it is likely that the projects you care about will be delayed or not completed.


You can see for yourself that this sabotaging voice in your head has a large arsenal to use against you.  He will discourage you from taking up challenges all the time, using the most convincing arguments: "You can't make it", "They will laugh at you", "It's stupid", "Give it up and take care of something.  more pleasant "," you don't have the strength for it anyway! "... It is important to ignore this voice, because if you listen to it, the fear will disappear, but will dissolve  also a chance to do or achieve something that can give you great satisfaction and allow you to develop your own potential. Nothing is as effective and uplifting as your own success. To leave  zone  comfort and go beyond self-imposed limitations you need to be  ready to overcome his own fears and enter new, unknown territory. Think again about little babies, they're not born  with skill  walking, but they have a huge amount  motivation  and thousands of failures do not discourage them from learning  walk then run. You were too  such a toddler who exceeded  boundaries to achieve the desired goal. It's the same with many other things.  You are not born with self-confidence, but you acquire it  in the way of many experiences. You leave your comfort zone and learn what is possible for you.  You do things that you haven't tried before, and you learn that you can achieve goals. If you don't spread your wings, you'll never know  can you fly.  



There are certainly times when it makes sense to avoid a challenge. If a friend urges you to invest all your savings in the business of your life that you think  hesitant and incomprehensible, promising huge profits, maybe this is not a good direction.  



The problem is that you cannot tell if you are justifying your own procrastination and not taking action because you are afraid of what others may think of you or of how you will feel if your efforts fail. If fear appeals to you, you must learn to talk to it. By assessing your situation from a more objective and balanced perspective.


Remember that initial anxiety before starting a project is normal. But if you don't let it overwhelm you, you can continue telling yourself that this endeavor is just what “awaits you” and that it is a learning opportunity that you don't want to miss. And ultimately, failure is nothing more than a lesson for the future, not the end of the world. This is confirmed by numerous biographies of great people.   


Below you will find some features that, when safely implemented, will help you expand your capabilities. Over time, your actions will not only strengthen these attributes, but also begin to transform your image, thanks to which you will eventually become your best friend:


Courage . Be brave. You may not be born with this personality trait, but that doesn't mean you can't nurture it. Courage is about taking reasonable risks and not giving up on challenges that may seem scary at first.


Follow your passion . Let what you love or interest you guide your behavior. This is the best motivation for action. If you are doing something to help you  interested you are not bored  not a moment, and the willingness to go further is natural.  


Curiosity . Replace fear of unfamiliar curiosity. Consider with interest how best to deal with the unknown or the unproven. Consider everything you are facing as an adventure, not a threat.  


Set your priorities . Your efforts won't get you to the finish line unless your goal is ultimately important and clear to you. If you don't have  clear point to which you are heading, your zeal and enthusiasm may blur. So determine what you really care about, and then pursue it with enthusiasm.


Take the initiative . If you are passive  attitude, even if it appears on your way  myself  chances to act, you probably will not take it and let it pass by you.  So think about every challenge life offers. This could be a chance to take a step forward in realizing your dreams and ambitions - take life by the horns.


Be persistent . It's important that you don't give up unless it becomes obvious that, at least for you, it's just unprofitable. Also, when you start to stumble and maybe even fall over, it's important that you get up and keep going. How often is it seen on the motivating memes "You fell down? Rise up! correct the crown  and go on! "  

If you persevere, you may  Find out that you can find new paths, new doors to reach your destination, or discover how to open gates that have been temporarily closed.


Be flexible . There may be times when what you initially thought was effective will not work. Can you adapt your actions to the new situation? It is very important not to get discouraged when what you have tried has turned out to be impossible to achieve. Invent  a different way and a different way to achieve the goal.


Be patient . Take time to develop plans and strategies. It may take time for you to "mature" to action, to pinpoint the exact steps that will lead you  to the goal. Remember the proverb: "Krakow wasn't built in a day".


Support self-discipline . However, when you do get involved in an endeavor, stay in action regardless of setbacks and complications that may unforeseen  appear  on the way. Don't get distracted by things that may interest you but are simply irrelevant to your goal. Save energy for what matters most.


Consult with others , but be prepared to act independently. Listen to what others have to say about your project and, if necessary, invite them to cooperate. But don't let them discourage you unless they convince you that you are on the move  with a hoe to the sun. Keep in mind that they may discourage you because you are trying to do something that they themselves cannot achieve. And your successes will make them feel bad. Sara Blakely (multi-millionaire)  founder and owner of the company SPANDEX, which produces underwear  corrective for women says that if everyone keeps telling you, "Your idea  not good ”means you made it up  something  brand new so take it as a compliment.  


Trust your intuition . Sometimes you can't explain exactly why you are doing something -  it just feels right. Don't worry too much that you may not be able to detail everything you need to complete a project. As long as you can think creatively and confidently, chances are you will be successful. There is always a time when you know that you have to push the boundaries and break the rules, but as Anna Wintour explains, editor-in-chief of the American VOGUE  "You are the leader of your idea and goal, so remember that you cannot follow others but be guided by your intuition  and with the voice of the heart ”.  


Accept failures as necessary steps towards ultimate success. Perhaps, on the way to your goal, you will have to exclude many things, stumble  and maybe even capsize. So don't be put off by mistakes and problems. From each failure, come out with the right attitude - "can be done", "I know how to do."  it's even better. " The certainty that you are waiting at the end of a bumpy road  reward can be the key to ultimate success.  

Read the biography  famous people who were not discouraged by their failures. Their road to the top was bumpy: Steve Jobs, Anna Wintour, Richard Branson, Walt Disney, JK Rowling, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison. Surnames  famous people who, despite their defeats, did not give up  there is much, much more.  

Everyone agrees that failure, although at the moment it does not look encouraging, looking at it from a distance is something  which helped them on their way to the top.  

Increase your self-confidence . I know, I know, it's easy to talk harder  to do. However, it is worth taking control  over anxiety and doubt so that these feelings do not block your actions. When motivation begins to wane due to the obstacles encountered, it is good to recall past achievements and even past failures that you have survived. Thomas Edison, one of the most famous and creative inventors tried  about 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. When he finally succeeded, he said, “I have not failed. I just discovered 10,000 wrong solutions. " The same Edison heard from his teacher at school that he was "too stupid to learn something". And to think that it was thanks to his defeat that Edison became the greatest innovator of all time, and he has over 1,000 patents in the USA as well as Great Britain and  Canada.


All in all, nothing in life is more inspiring than accepting challenges that, over time, offer you the chance to prove that​​ you have the abilities and resources to master them. In addition, remember that you cannot reach your full potential until you step out of your comfort zone and try to pursue your dreams.


So, dare to enter the zone of courage and make your dreams come true. Mark Twain once wrote, “In twenty years you will regret what you didn't do more than what you did. So untie the ropes, leave the safe haven. Catch auspicious winds in your sails. Travel, dream, discover ”.


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