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A young girl with a problem skin. Photo

Diseases  written on the face


The science that deals with the signs of disease on the face is pathophysiology . Learning to read faces is not at all difficult. The body informs us about the disease in various possible ways. Some symptoms of diseases that begin can be seen on our body before they are detected during tests, so regardless of whether we are healthy or sick, we should look carefully at ourselves, thus we will be able to protect ourselves from unpleasant "surprises" that can seriously affect our well-being.
Of course, the final diagnosis should always be made by a doctor, and our observation of our own body will help the doctor in this.





















  The eyes .

  • If our eyes are often swollen, it could be a sign of a thyroid problem or a symptom of kidney failure.

  • Dark circles under the eyes are also a cause for concern. If they are the result of fatigue and lack of sleep, tea compresses and a firefly gel will suffice. If, however, they also appear when we sleep and are refreshed, they may be a signal of allergies or arterial hypertension.

  • A symptom of improper blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be characteristic yellow irregular lumps around the eyes. They are not only an aesthetic problem and a visit to a beautician is not enough to solve the problem. First, check your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and see your doctor about the results.

  • In contrast, people with high blood pressure or cholesterol problems can see a clear yellow ring around the irises of the eyes.


Wrinkles are usually a symptom of an aging body if, however

  • on our forehead, deep, transverse furrows appeared in a short time, they may be a symptom of problems with the work of the intestines.

  • On the other hand, vertical lines between the eyes may indicate poor liver and gallbladder function.


Hair is also a rich source of information about health.

  • Dull hair is usually the result of an improperly balanced diet. This is a clear signal that our body is demanding protein, amino acids, zinc, selenium or iron. Usually, when the hair loses its shine, we go to the drugstore in search of a hair conditioner, while our steps should be directed to ... a dietitian.

  • If, on the other hand, our hair begins to fall out more intensively than usual, it may be a symptom of several problems. First, it could be a hormonal imbalance. These types of symptoms may appear after stopping the pill, after having a baby, and also during the menopause.

  • Hair loss can also mean that our body has been exposed to prolonged or very strong stress. It can also be information about problems with hypothyroidism. In the first case, it is enough to eliminate the source of stress or visit a psychologist, while in the case of problems with the thyroid gland, an endocrinologist should take care of us.


Blushing can be a symptom of simple embarrassment, and may also appear as a result of heat or heavy exertion, but if they accompany us regardless of external factors - it is worth consulting a doctor.

  • Flushing can be a harbinger of problems with hypertension, and also signal diabetes. The latter condition is usually accompanied by a strong thirst.


Our nose also tells us about it, how our body feels. If we experience nosebleeds - e.g. in the morning, when we suddenly jump out of bed, or as a result of exercise or severe stress - it may be information about arterial hypertension.

  • If, on the other hand, the tip of the nose becomes unnatural, bluish in color, it may be a sign of abnormal heart or lung function.


Lips also say a lot about how our body is doing. One of the basic signals is cracking corners of the mouth. They usually indicate a severe vitamin B2 deficiency as well as an iron and zinc deficiency. Then it is worth taking a closer look at your diet and supplementing the deficiencies so as not to lead to problems with the nervous system or visual disturbances.

  • A mustache above the mouth in a woman can signal an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.


If you experience troublesome and constant itching of the skin , it may be the first symptom of an allergy, but also of problems with the thyroid gland, liver failure or blood diseases.

  • If, on the other hand, the skin is extremely pale and you were not born with a very pale complexion, it may be anemia. Such a condition is dangerous for the body and can lead to serious consequences, therefore it is necessary to see a doctor.


If, on the other hand, you feel constant pressure in your throat , it could be a warning sign of a growing goiter, enlarged thyroid gland, problems with the tonsils or lymph nodes. It is worth consulting these symptoms with a doctor who will order appropriate tests.



Different spheres of the face are connected to specific internal organs. If we notice any changes in the skin, such as discoloration, spots, spots, it is worth checking which organ is working more intensively. As with the condition of the hair, repairing the condition of the skin should not start with buying an ointment or cream, but with a change in diet and lifestyle.


How can you help yourself?


It is not without reason that the signs of disease appear on the face, but it also works the other way around - we can help ourselves by stimulating specific points and areas on the face. Such a procedure that affects the individual through the central nervous system  organs / systems / parts of our body are called facial reflexotherapy. Thanks to face reflexology, it is possible to assess the health of individual organs which, if disturbed, give signals on the face in the form of the so-called deposits, changes in color or skin structure. The facial tissues and the receptors located there are very sensitive to any energetic and physical changes in the body. On the face you can find the so-called the primary energetic cause of all disturbances. The causes of disorders can be very different and their symptoms are not specific for the "affected" organ.
A skilled reflexologist can determine which organ is disturbed, and then lead the causal and symptomatic proceedings. The changes in the face will also indicate areas of the body that may be at risk of changes in the future, and thus the clients
  they gain time to prevent the development of disorders and take care of their good condition. The techniques of reflexive massage of the face and head cause a face lifting effect, improve blood and lymph circulation, and stimulate muscles and nerve conduction. They make the face bright, pink, firm and smooth wrinkles.

Below is a list of signs of possible organism dysfunctions.



  • pale face,

  • brown color

  • lower eyelid,

  • pearly discoloration of the eye white,

  • pearly discoloration of the teeth,

  • pallor of the auricles,

  • mouth corners,

  • burning sensation of the tongue,

  • tongue smooth, red.



  • red, lumpy, veined nose,

  • fused eyebrows,

  • redness of the cheeks.



  • pallor of individual parts of the cheeks,

  • pale skin on the forehead,

  • pale face,

  • drooping eyelids.



  • wrinkles on one side of the forehead,

  • pronounced wrinkle between the eyebrows.


Hemorrhoidal (haemorrhoidal) formations on internal organs:

  • pigmentation spots on the lower lip.



  • yellow whites of the eyes,

  • yellowness of the skin,

  • cheeks sunken on both sides,

  • yellow discoloration of the skin around the mouth,

  • slight veins on the wings of the nose,

  • brown discoloration of the skin around the eyes,

  • constant white spots on the nails

  • thickening of the lower lip.



  • white coating on the middle third of the tongue,

  • pallor of the nasal turbinates.



  • smooth dry lower lip with a bluish tinge,

  • the appearance of dead hair,

  • early gray hair.


Diabetes tendency:

  • dry and cracked tongue,

  • narrow upper lip.


The pancreas is overloaded on the verge of the disease:

  • wrinkled face skin,

  • swellings below the eyes.



  • very thick lower lip,

  • pale pink color of the skin around the eyes.


Excessive load on the thyroid gland, which can lead to disease:

  • convex nails,

  • frequent blinking

  • raid on the lower eyelids,

  • swollen neck

  • the top edge of the ear rolled into a tube.


Weakening of the function of the sex glands in women:

  • hair on the upper lip,

  • bends on the forehead in women,

  • thick bushy eyebrows.


Inflammation of the sex glands:

  • deep wrinkles on the neck,

  • pale earlobes,

  • swollen upper lip.


Stomach diseases:

  • changing the shape of the nail on the middle finger,

  • the appearance of cracks.



  • brown skin around the eyes.


Blood circulation disorders:

  • whitening of the tip of the nose,

  • fused eyebrows,

  • early gray hair,

  • pale face,

  • pale lips,

  • thickening on the nails.


Blood - Congestive Symptoms:

  • broken blood vessels on the skin near the nose.


Low amount of red blood cells:

  • the pale lower (inner) part of the tongue.


Lung diseases:

  • both shoulders slack,

  • redness of the cheeks,

  • frequent nosebleeds,

  • convex nails.


Vitamin A deficiency:

  • inability to cry

  • loss of vision when entering a dark room from light.


Vitamin B deficiency:

  • swelling of the tongue.


Iron deficiency in the body:

  • sunken bluish lower eyelids,

  • periodic appearance of white spots on the nails,

  • red ears

  • frequent eating at the corners of the mouth.

  • Calcium deficiency in the body:

  • shiny skin of the ears.


Magnesium deficiency:

  • lower eyelid trembling,

  • energy surge after hours twenty,

  • reddening of the skin near the nose.


Mineral deficiency in the body:

  • brittle, brittle nails.


Exhausted nervous system:

  • difficulty climbing stairs (especially at a young age).


Metabolic disorders:

  • raid on the lower eyelids,

  • white spots on the nails.


Digestive disorders:

  • longitudinal furrows on the nails in combination with various blemishes on the skin,

  • red ears.


Sick kidneys:

  • large and fleshy upper lip,

  • thick skin on the forehead and deep wrinkles,

  • red ears

  • swollen lower eyelids,

  • long, narrow convex nails,

  • the constant presence of white spots,

  • the formation of bags under the eyes.


Diseases and disorders of the gallbladder function:

  • yellow discoloration of the skin near the mouth,

  • yellowing of the teeth,

  • yellow skin near the eyes,

  • constant pain in the area of the right shoulder blade,

  • yellow discoloration of the eyes.


Bladder diseases:

  • swelling of the lower eyelids and their tinting pinkish-bluish.


Heart - failure and diseases:

  • wax tint of the lower eyelids,

  • swollen lower eyelids,

  • thick veins in the neck,

  • difficulty climbing stairs.


Heart attack tendency:

  • numbness when pressure is applied to the place between the lower lip and the chin.


Stomach ulcers:

  • pains in the left shoulder blade,

  • white tip of the nose.





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