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Fights infections, viruses and bacteria :

   and.  fights the symptoms of flu and colds,

   b.  antipyretic,

   c.  warming,

    d. antifungal.  


On the circulatory system:

   a.lowers the pressure,

   b. protects the heart,

   c.  prevents atherosclerosis (prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of arteries). 

Ajoene contained in garlic clears blood vessels and reduces blood clotting and viscosity.


For cancer:

Scientific research ( scientists from Harvard, among others, immunized hamsters against certain cancers by adding onions to their food. Dr. Michael Wargovich from the Cancer Research Center in Houston administered allyl disulfide obtained from garlic to mice. A control group of mice were fed a regular diet containing substances promoting the formation of tumors.  Mice fed garlic ingredients were 75% less likely to develop colorectal cancer. More interestingly, when these mice were fed with esophageal cancer-causing agents, none of them got sick! In another study at Penn State University, Dr. John Miller found that garlic-fed mice were 70 percent less likely to develop breast cancer. Also, in people who eat garlic and onions, the occurrence of various types of cancer has been shown to be less frequent ) prove that garlic counteracts min. cancer:

   a.bust and nipple,

   b. esophagus,

   c. intestines,

   d. prostate.

Garlic, but also onions, block the conversion of cells that lead to cancer, and can even  destroy cancer cells.


For worms and yeasts:

- fights parasitic diseases, e.g. pinworms.


Digestive system:

- supports the digestive process,

- has a positive effect on the work of the liver - regenerates,

- prevents ulcers  stomach,

- supports the work of the intestines and protects against flatulence.



How to use garlic:

The fresh garlic cloves are rubbed, cut or crushed (and set aside for 10 minutes to release  healing  substance-allicin).  Garlic can be eaten with the addition of milk, honey, butter and olive oil  or lemon. It is always raw for medicinal purposes, because it loses its medicinal value after heat treatment.


When using garlic prophylactically, you should:

- consume 2 to  3  cloves.


For getting rid of acute   garlic smell from your mouth (one of the list below should be fine):

- eat  fresh parsley or a few leaves of mint, thyme or celery, 

- chew  cumin or cloves,

- wash it down with yogurt, milk,

- drink  a glass of red wine,

- eat an apple,

- figure it out  a bean of roasted coffee.




2. Natura i Ty, nr 1-2 (91-92) January-February 2016.

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