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Set of matcha powder bowl wooden spoon a

MATCHA -  green tea 

Matcha is an extremely healthy tea that should be permanently included in your diet.


Antioxidants included  In  Matcha tea:


6.2 times more than w  goji berries;

7 times more than in  dark chocolate;

17 times more than in  wild blueberries;

60.5 more than in  spinach.


These numbers show the unwavering leadership position in  ranking the antioxidant content. Matcha has as much as 6.2 times more antioxidants than Goji berries, 7 times more than dark chocolate, 17 times more than wild berries and  as much as 60.5 times more than spinach!

And that's not all! The list of Matcha green tea benefits is here  much longer.


1. Prevents cancer


Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechins that neutralize the number of dangerous free radicals in  the body. The most powerful catechin found in  green tea is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which is believed to be a really powerful anti-carcinogen.

In 2003, at the University of St.  Colorado research has confirmed that one cup of Matcha green tea contains 137 times more EGCG's antioxidant  compared to  a cup of conventional green tea.


2. It slows down aging


One of  places in the world where people live the longest is Okawina in  Japan. The longevity of the Okawina people is partly attributed to their regular consumption of Matcha green tea.

Matcha is the most popular green tea in  Japan, but is also rapidly gaining more and more popularity around the world, with  because of its ability to fight inflammation, fight oxidants, and  aging.


3. Prevention of heart disease: Lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol


In 2011, a study conducted in  the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that administering green tea or an extract of  HER, lowers cholesterol levels.


4. Helps in  weight loss


In 1999, the research presented in  the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the extract of  green tea, rich in  catechins, has thermogenic properties and  promotes fat burning, which can also be explained by the caffeine content in  tea.

Consuming green tea has been found to increase thermogenesis (the rate at which the body burns calories) of  8-10% to 35-43% of the daily energy expenditure.

Another study found that exercising just after drinking Matcha green tea resulted in about 25% more fat burning during exercise.

Both studies suggest that Matcha green tea can increase both your metabolic rate and the  Fat Burning - Isn't It Enough?


5. Supports detoxification


Matcha is grown in  shade, therefore it is richer in  chlorophyll than other teas. Chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for giving the leaves their green color. Hulk would be proud!

Chlorophyll purportedly helps with  detoxification of the body, but this has yet to be proven scientifically. However, it is worth replacing it with  because of its supposed ability to cleanse the body from  toxins, heavy metals, dioxins and  other harmful substances.


6. It improves thinking


Matcha green tea contains up to 5 times more L-Theanine than conventional green teas. L-Theanine is an amino acid from  psychoactive properties, capable of inducing alpha wave activity  the brain.

Stress causes in  Beta wave activity in the brain, leading to a state of arousal. Alpha wave activity can relieve stress, help you relax, and  even lower the pressure.

While Matcha does contain some caffeine, L-theanine's relaxing properties balance out its "disturbing" caffeine effect. Therefore, a cup of Matcha green tea promotes concentration and  clarity of mind without producing any kind of nervous energy normally associated with  coffee.


7. Structure


Matcha green tea leaves contain a large amount of easily digestible dietary fiber. This fiber has the ability to relieve constipation and  stabilize blood sugar levels.



8. Gives you energy


Try a cup of Matcha green tea whenever you need extra energy. This tea is an ideal substitute for coffee as it provides a boost of extra energy without the risk of headaches that are common after drinking strong coffee.


Satisfaction with  Matcha tea  


Matcha Green Tea is available as a concentrated powder and  you can find it in  stores with  healthy food. I recommend organic Matcha because it is produced without artificial fertilizers, herbicides and  pesticides.

The green powder (preferably sifted through a strainer) is measured with a bamboo spoon and poured over with water at the temperature of 80 degrees C (if you drain the water for 5 minutes after boiling it, it should get the right temperature). Then, with a bamboo whisk, gently beat the tea to obtain a foam on the surface.  HERE you can watch a movie on how to brew matche tea.


Don't be discouraged right away, it may take a while to get used to the taste of Matcha.  


Matcha tea is unfortunately the way to go. For 30g of this green product, we can pay up to PLN 90. This is undoubtedly a huge disadvantage of this tea.  


Various online stores sell matches. Just type "matcha" in the search engine and a few suggestions will appear.  One of them is e.g.  THIS  store. This tea brand is organic and very tasty.

It is worth remembering that the more intense the green color the matcha powder has  the purer and the better the tea is.  The ones in gray shades of green are more suitable for making cocktails or  cooking e.g. cakes, ice cream than direct drinking.  




for each type proposed on this page  surgery or  recipe for a care product, always do a test to see if your skin is allergic  on any of the ingredients of the preparation. This entry is for  for information and education. It is not medical advice. If the skin  does not respond well to any of the preparations proposed in the recipe  you should break his  use.

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