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OYSTERS  a la  Rockefeller

February 10, 2020
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Oysters are considered an aphrodisiac and  they often appear at romantic dinners accompanied by champagne. If you don't know oysters and don't know how to go about them, read on  about  Oysters.

If you are looking for  how to make baked oysters it  below is a recipe for Oysters a la Rockefeller, which  from the book by Gordon Ramsay, "Cooking Made Easy."

A dish called Rockefeler Oysters  was first prepared in 1899 by chef Jules Alciatore, son of the founder of Antoine's in New Orleans. Alciatore  he came up with this recipe because throughout  the city ran out of French snails. When he traded the snails for the plump Gulf Shore oysters, he immediately clapped with  joy in the hands.  The appetizer was named after John Rockefeller, the richest inhabitant of the then USA, most likely because due to the green stuffing, oysters  brought  Alciatore  on  thought  the green color of dollars that the Rockefellers did not lack.

Rockefeller oysters are prepared most often  by baking fresh oysters under a quilt of stewed spinach and other leafy greens, breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese. Although the original recipe from Antoine's is a secret, the original Rockefeller oysters are a popular menu item in seafood restaurants.  The original Rockefeller oyster recipe included watercress instead of spinach, which is often found in this dish today. The exact ratio of ingredients remained a closely guarded secret, which Alciatore refused to disclose even on  bed  death. Today, this recipe is valued in restaurants around the world, but  apparently  it tastes best in Antoine, New Orleans, where hundreds of orders are placed daily, since it was invented over 100 years ago.

Most read:

Oysters a la Rockefeller

INGREDIENTS (for 2 people):

  • 12 oysters

  • 100 g of butter,

  • 1 small celery root - cut into thin strips

  • 1 slice of fennel - chopped

  • 2 onions - cut into thin rings

  • 1 garlic clove - finely chopped,

  • 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley,

  • a handful of cress leaves,

  • a few drops of tabasco sauce,

  • little  anise,  

  • 2 slices of white bread without crusts

  • lemon pieces


  1. Open the shells.  

  2. Place the oysters in the shallower ones  shell halves on a baking sheet and set aside.  

  3. Preheat it  grill in the oven.  

  4. Dissolve in a pan  butter until it starts to foam. Add the dill, onion and garlic and cook for 2 minutes.

  5. Then toss in the parsley  and watercress and heat for 2 more minutes.

  6. Transfer the vegetables from the pan to the food processor,  add tabasco sauce and anise  and bread and  blend for 30 seconds until  bread  turns green.  

  7. Put the filling on the shell halves with a teaspoon. Grill for 30 seconds until the stuffing is golden.  

  8. Arrange the oysters on plates and serve with lemon wedges. If you've baked oysters in  deeper (more convex)  parts of the shell, sprinkle salt on the plate  coarse and put the oysters on it - they won't  were "falling over".


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