Moisturizing eye pads
September 27, 2016
Dark circles under the eyes, puffy eyes, wrinkles, dry skin around the eyes that they need immediate help. You know it?
There are many preparations on the market that are designed to take care of the skin around the eyes. Some of them don't work, others are loaded with toxic chemicals, and others cost a fortune. You can buy ready-made (and spend a fortune) or make your own. Those that you prepare yourself at home will be smeared with a serum tailored to your needs. Use the one proposed by me or compose it own a cosmetic that meets your individual skin needs.
Chamomile is a natural lightener. Lightens the skin (including hair), a therefore it soothes irritations as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Vitamin E has a strong moisturizing effect, prevents the skin from drying out, prevents discoloration and supports collagen regeneration.
Evening primrose oil, due to its specific properties, is increasingly used in cosmetics. Evening primrose oil ensures proper skin hydration, tones it, reduces wrinkles, and prevents dark circles around the eyes.
Agar Agar or red algae extract has high in protein as well iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Algae delay the skin aging process by the ability to renew the epidermis and strong moisturizing. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and eliminate skin inflammation.
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Moisturizing eye pads
1/2 cup of water
2 tablespoons of chamomile,
1 teaspoon Agar Agar.
1/2 teaspoon of Vitamin E,
5 capsules of evening primrose oil.
Boil the water.
Brew the chamomile.
Remove the dried chamomile from the water.
Add Agar-Agar and mix thoroughly.
The agar freezes quite quickly, so wait for it to cool down a little and pour it on parchment paper (for baking).
After it solidifies, cut out the horseshoes. I traced the shape of the horseshoes on the paper and placed it as a template, which made it easier to cut out the correct shape with a knife.
Prepare the SERUM.
In a small bowl / glass, mix the vitamin E and the evening primrose oil squeezed out of the capsules.
Lubricate the serum with each horseshoe on one side.
Fold two horseshoes with the smeared side facing each other, wrap them in foil and keep in the fridge. The winters, the petal will decrease swelling of the skin around the eyes.
For each type proposed on this page surgery or recipe for a care product, always do a test to see if your skin is allergic on any of the ingredients of the preparation. This entry is for for information and education. It is not medical advice. If the skin does not respond well to any of the preparations proposed in the recipe you should break his use.