Sugar craving, how to overcome it?
Sugar is a big problem all over the world. In fact, this is the main enemy of people on healthy or slimming diets, and it would not be an exaggeration to consider that this is the # 1 reason why people commit "sins" to eating something sweet and quit the diet.
There are many different theories about the effects of sugar addiction, including food allergies, adrenal fatigue, monthly hormonal changes in women, parasites, Candida, and the proliferation of "bad" bacteria. Bacteria - pathogenic pathogens, parasites and yeasts - such as Candida, feed on sugar. The more sugar you eat, the more they will multiply in your gut causing disease and health problems.
Sugar is as addictive as a drug ( 1 ), and like any addiction, it is not easy to give up.
if you are in a group of people trying to quit sugar, and there are a lot of us, read the following ways to help reduce the craving for unhealthy sweetness and get rid of sugar addiction.
Many health authorities convince us that we will not feel hungry for sugar if we are eat healthily. We are familiar with the topic of healthy eating. We all know what to eat to feel good nourish and be healthy. We should eat more vegetables and fruits. Consume organic (non-GMO and pesticide free) and unprocessed foods. Drink lots of water.
Nevertheless, very often when we ask a dieting person, "Why couldn't you keep the diet?" We hear: "Due to the enormous desire to eat something sweet."
How to Control Your Sugar Craving.
Avoid ready-made, processed foods.
Did you know processed foods, same as sugar, there is addictive like heroin or cocaine? IN The study conducted on rats scientists have confirmed that Oreos cookies can be as addictive as cocaine ( 2 ) . They came to this conclusion after observing how popular cookies affected the behavior of laboratory rats and their brains. Eating sugar artificially stimulates a region of the brain called nucleus accumbens. It is an area of the brain that is responsible for feeling pleasure and satisfaction, as well as for creating addictions. Soon after eating processed foods or sugar, dopamine levels drop and we start to feel "flat" ... or a little "sad". We want to feel again good and we reach for sweetness - consumption sugar leads to addiction.
If you will, avoid processed foods to which sugars are added, you will not stimulate the body to want more - you will break the cycle of addiction.
Naturally raise your "happiness hormone" levels. Do exercise, get enough sleep enough hours and be healthy nourish. If you have high serotonin levels, you don't need to reach for sweets.
Sometimes we feel like ours the body is demanding sugar though he may actually be dehydrated and need water. You can then have a drink water or warm tea (green, white, favorite herbs). Alternatively prepare lemonade with 250 ml of water, lemon juice and 5 drops of stevia or raw honey, the sugar craving should pass.
Eat several small, healthy meals throughout the day instead of three large servings to avoid a drop in blood sugar levels. (It is ideal to eat animal proteins - meat - from 11:00 to 14:00). On the other hand, the evening meal should contain, for example, gluten-free grains (quinoa, millet, buckwheat or amaranth). As a result, your body will produce more serotonin, you will feel happier and you will sleep better at night. Fermented vegan protein (eg Natto, Tempeh) can also help stabilize blood sugar levels.
A diet rich in green vegetables and green smoothies help to increase energy and reduce the craving for sugar and processed foods.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, seaweed makes them a healthy snack! Sea vegetables are high in minerals, which is important because eating sugar will immediately deplete your body's minerals. You can eat algae salad, take Spirulina or Chlorella in tablets or added to cocktails .
The most decisive way to reduce or even eliminate your sugar cravings may be via fermented, probiotic food (e.g. sauerkraut, cucumbers) and drinks (e.g. kefir). Products such as probiotic yoghurt and kefir are sour because they are present bacteria in them. These microbes fight and reduce candida in your body, which in turn reduces your craving for sugar. Thanks to fermented foods, the sugar craving disappears after about 4-5 days!
Eat or drink fermented foods each time you feel craving for sugar. You'll be surprised how well it quenches your sugar thirst.
Foods rich in probiotics include:
kefir and yogurt;
fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and cucumbers;
Natto means soybeans fed by a natural fermentation process ( 3 );
raw cheese;
Tempeh (fermented soybean food).
Also, acidic foods like apple cider vinegar and lemon juice help in the fight against sugar craving.
Pouring the salad with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or drinking water with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice all day too reduces sugar craving.
Another big benefit of fermented foods and drinks:
If you happen to eat something sweet, the probiotics in fermented foods and beverages will "eat up" the sugar, thereby reducing the damage that the sugar is causing to your body.
Your body can burn sugar by converting it into energy, or the same can do with fat - drawing energy from it. If you stop eating sugar, start consuming more fat. Just make sure it's healthy fats (like olive oil). It is believed that the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest in the world ( 4 ), so it is worth following its recommendations also in terms of fats. Your body will become a fat burner to help you lose weight and fight sugar addiction.
Dietary Fibers - Fiber ( 5 ) - they help keep the feeling of fullness - fullness longer. They also support detoxification, can prevent obesity, chronic diseases, and insulin resistance ( 6 ). Greater fiber intake leads to lower glucose levels in the body ( 7 ).
For food high-fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds: such as seeds Chia or flax seeds. Find more fiber-rich foods HERE .
Meditation (including yoga) can help you control your thirst and help reduce stress.
In 2015, scientists at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital discovered ( 8 ) that meditation not only has the ability to reduce stress, but it can change the brain - by increasing gray matter in the area of the auditory and sensory cortex.
11. Avoid stress - as much as possible.
Chronic stress, excess exercise, too much caffeine, viral infections, or a continuous reduction diet releases the secretion of cortisol. Cortisol increases blood glucose levels. When the body is tired (a lot of work, little sleep), v the body produces ghrelin , the so-called hunger hormone. The higher the ghrelin level, the higher it is appetite and want sweets.
Therefore, it is worth taking care of reducing the impact of stressors - proper regeneration of the body after training, body hydration , proper diet and time to rest .
If not sugar then what?
If, despite the use of serious measures you still have a craving for sweets you can sometimes try some substitutes. But remember that this is a temporary "sweetening".
AND. Stevia has no calories, is a natural sweetener and Okay alternative for sugar.
Be careful though. Stevia stevi is not an equal. So let's know a little more about stevia.
The three main types of stevia are:
Green leaves of Stevia - it is the least processed of all types of stevia. Its leaves were dried and ground to a powder. Stevia is sweet, slightly bitter, and not as strong as most stevia products. There is about 30-40 times sweeter than sugar. This type of stevia is the best solution.
Stevia extracts - some brands of stevia extract the sweeter and less bitter part of the stevia leaf today (rebaudioside), which has no health benefits in stevia (sugar obtained from stevia). This type of stevia It may be a better option than other regular sweeteners, but there is not much research available yet to show whether there are any adverse effects from its use. It is about 200 times sweeter than sugar.
Modified Stevia and Truvia - Truvia this a sweetener, jointly developed by Cargill and Coca-Cola. Contains:
Erythritol (sugar alcohol);
Rebaudioside A (sweet compound isolated from the stevia plant, listed as Rebiana on the label);
Natural flavors: It's unclear what this means.
There is no research evidence that Truvia is harmful to the body. However, you have to remember that in this case this not is stevia just isolated with her relationship, down whose added are another ingredients. There is
sweetener, so be careful with it. Aspartame was initially considered safe, today we know how harmful it is.
IMPORTANT: Not all stevia products are healthy. Exists the difference between consuming real stevia and chemically processed Truvia.
II. Raw honey
Honey is a remedy for many diseases ( 9 ). One tablespoon of raw honey has 64 calories and has less of an impact on the glycemic load than one banana. It's worth noting that these are the benefits of raw, unprocessed honey. Once the honey has been pasteurized it loses many health benefits.
III. Dates
Dates contain potassium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium and vitamin B6. They are easily digestible and help metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Research ( 10 ) indicate that dates can contribute to the reduction of the activity of oxidative stress, have the ability to scavenge free radicals, prevent coronary diseases, are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, obesity-preventing and hepatoprotective (they support people with liver diseases) ( 11 ).
IV. Coconut sugar
Today, more and more people are using coconut sugar as a natural sweetener. It has a low glycemic level and is rich in minerals.
V. Maple syrup
Maple syrup is an excellent source of manganese, it contains calcium, potassium and zinc, antioxidants. This natural sweetener helps neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative damage. Remember to choose darker Class B maple syrups as this has more nutritional benefits.
VI. Black molasses
Molasses is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, manganese, and chromium potassium. Molasses (sweet syrup) is made in food sugar production process. IN depending on the raw material, z of which it was produced, there are: beet molasses obtained in the production of beet sugar and cane molasses obtained in the production of cane sugar.
Black molasses is derived from the third cooking, concentrating its nutrients for a deep, rich flavor.
When buying molasses, be sure to check the composition of the product, some contain dioxide sulfur, intended to extend its use-by date.
VII. Balsamic glaze
Balsamic vinegar is rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals, and pepsin (digestive enzymes) that helps in the digestive process.
Heals wounds, fights infections, and stabilizes blood glucose levels ( 12 ), ( 13 ).
VIII. Banana puree
Bananas are high in fiber and potassium. They are a good source of vitamins B6 and C. They are also naturally sweet with a subtle taste, making them an alternative to sugar.
You don't have to be addicted to sugar.
In fact, you don't even have to crave sugar, and if you follow your diet and take care of yourself, you'll find that your taste buds begin to change. You can start enjoying the sweet taste in a variety of foods, such as carrots and grains. Your body will be healthier and you will feel much better. You think it's impossible? Try it and remember that the first 4-5 days can be difficult, your body, used to sugar, will crave it.
When you feel you want something sweet, drink it
a glass of water with lemon juice.