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Sugar paste

"hot" and "cold" method

May 28, 2016
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Sugaring: epilation with liquate sugar a


Sugar paste hair removal is a method that has been known for centuries. It is cheap. Perfect for allergy sufferers because it is 100% natural. Softer than traditional wax -  sugar paste does not stick to the skin,

and only covers the hair, which reduces pain (it does not irritate the epidermis). The cold paste also excludes burns or skin irritation. Depilation with sugar paste can be performed even when the hairs are very short (1-2 millimeters). So it allows you to remove them on a regular basis, without waiting for them to grow back. The remnants of the paste are washed off with warm water, without rubbing the skin. This method of depilation also does not require the use of chemicals needed to cleanse the skin, e.g. synthetic wax for depilation.

Irritation after epilation with sugar paste is minimal, usually disappearing on the same day. With this form of depilation, you can quickly notice how weak and light hair grows back. By depilating regularly, you can completely get rid of hair in some parts of the body.  

You can sugar hair removal  perform  two ways. Method  hard (cold) and soft (warm). I'll describe both below.


Sugar paste  





In this epilation method, you use a paste that stretches in your hands like chewing gum. You put it on the place you want to depilate, and then pull it off together with the hair stuck to it. Depending on the amount of hair, you can depilate it all in one piece  leg.

You apply the paste to the body in the opposite direction than the hair grows - against the grain, and pull it off in the direction of their growth.

Don't be discouraged the first time. I refer to the movie worth seeing ( HERE ).




  • 1 cup of white sugar,

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice,

  • 2 tablespoons of water

  • pot or pan,

  • breakfast foil bag.





  1. Place all ingredients in a pan or pot.

  2. Heat on medium power, stirring constantly, so that the sugar melts and does not burn.

  3. When the mass starts  cook until the color changes  to gold-amber  (approx. 5-7 minutes after boiling) remove the frying pan / pot from the oven.

  4. Prepare a large plate and pour cold water over it.

  5. Pour the hot mass onto the plate  sugar. BE CAREFUL  do not burn the mass is very hot.

  6. Use a spoon to scoop up the edges of the spreading  mass to its center. This way you cool the mass  and you don't let it freeze on the outskirts.

  7. After a while, check if the mass is too hot for you. If not, wet your hands with water and knead in your hands  like plasticine.  

  8. When the paste is bright yellow, it is ready to use.

  9. Take a piece and rub it against the point (against the grain) you want to epilate. Pull in the direction as the hair grows.

  10. If the paste is not used, wrap the ball in a bag  foil and put in the fridge. Remove the paste as needed  from the bag and heat it up for a few seconds in a microwave oven or in a water bath (mass  sugar  put in a bowl and the bowl in a pot of hot water).





THE "SOFT" METHOD, that is, to HEAT


This method looks like traditional waxing. You put the semi-liquid mass on the skin (against the grain), apply and press firmly a strip of depilatory material against it and pull out unwanted hairs.  Depilatory strips  you can buy  in the store or if you have an old pair of jeans that you don't need, you can cut them into pieces of about 10  on 4  cm.




  • 2 cups of white sugar,

  • 1/4 cup of water

  • 1/4 cup lemon juice

  • pot or pan,

  • a plastic container in which you can store the paste  sugar and which you can insert  in a microwave oven or in a water bath to heat the mass,

  • wooden  spatula  for applying the mass to the body or a blunt knife  e.g. for butter,

  • waxing strips or jeans scraps.





  1. Place all ingredients in the pot / pan.

  2. Cook on medium power, stirring constantly to make a mass  did not burn.

  3. After approx. 15 min. When cooking, the mass should have the consistency of honey and amber-golden in color. The mass is ready.

  4. Pour the mass into a container ( BEWARE IT IS VERY HOT ) in which you will store it and wait for it to cool down.

  5. Check with a piece of your hand that the mass is sufficiently cooled. If so, you can start depilation.

  6. Brush the areas you want to epilate with mass (apply against the grain). You can sprinkle this place with talcum powder or potato flour to protect the skin from possible irritation. The advantage of the sugar mass, however, is that it sticks  for hair, not for skin as is the custom of traditional wax.

  7. Place epilation strips on the sugar mass layer and press them firmly.

  8. Wait for a while  and pull with a quick movement in the direction of the hair growth.

  9. After all, wipe the skin after depilation, e.g. with almond oil. This will soothe any irritation and help get rid of sticky sugar paste residues.


You can wash the jeans strips in warm water (the sugar will melt and detach from the fabric), dry it and use it for the next epilation. 

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For each type proposed on this page  surgery or  recipe for a care product, always do a test to see if your skin is allergic  on any of the ingredients of the preparation. This entry is for  informational purposes  and educational. It is not medical advice. If the skin  does not respond well to any of the preparations proposed in the recipe, stop it  use.

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