home remedies to relieve symptoms
Homemade methods to relieve hangover symptoms they are as effective as drugs bought in a pharmacy, but much healthier. They help to get rid of headache, muscle pain, nausea, hand tremors and photophobia. Each one the following methods will help relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
1. Sauerkraut juice or pickled cucumber juice.
Sauerkraut juice is a rich source of vitamins and minerals - above all vitamins C, B vitamins and potassium, calcium and iron - therefore it supports very quickly supplement deficiencies vitamins and elements that have been "flushed" from the body by alcohol. Additionally, the probiotic bacteria contained in sauerkraut support the proper functioning of the flora bacterial intestines. A glass of sauerkraut juice on an empty stomach it extinguishes effectively and quickly desire.
The juice of pickled cucumbers has similar properties.
2. Tomatoes or tomato juice.
Alcohol rinses from the body min. potassium, In as a result of which we feel body tremors or palpitations. Potassium is responsible for muscle tone, nerve conduction or adequate heart-rhythm. To make up for the deficiencies of it the root it is worth eating a tomato salad with e.g. a little lemon juice (vitamin C) or drink a glass of tomato juice, preferably made from fresh tomatoes, e.g. the day before.
3. Beet acid.
Beet kvass is pickled beetroot juice, as well as sauerkraut or cucumber juices, supplements the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body and has a positive effect on the detoxification process. To reduce the burdensome effects of alcohol poisoning worth drinking half a cup of beetroot acid 3 times a day (preferably after a meal). You can also drink a glass of raw beetroot juice for better flavor mix it with freshly squeezed apple juice.
4. Mint and chamomile.
Freshly brewed mint and chamomile will help with "heavy" head and the nausea that often accompanies a hangover. The infusion of wormwood is also effective (pour 10 g of dried herbs into 1/2 l of boiling water). Drink 3 times a day.
5. Asparagus.
Researchers from the Institute of Medical Science and the National University of South Korea say that asparagus is a hangover cure. Amino acids and minerals found in young shoots and leaves asparagus can relieve hangover symptoms, and If eaten before a party, they will help protect the liver cells from the harmful effects of metabolism alcohol.
6. Honey.
Honey, thanks to the content of fructose and enzymes supports metabolism and cleanses poisoned the body with alcohol. It is worth drinking water with honey and lemon or herbal tea (e.g. mint or chamomile), with the addition of sweet honey. The mixture prepared in this way drink several times a day.
7. Citrus.
Citrus fruits, thanks to their properties, soothe the effects of alcohol intoxication well and supplement the deficiencies of vitamins and trace elements washed out from the body when drinking alcohol. It is worth drinking the juice of freshly squeezed fruit or eating it eat.
8. Coffee with lemon.
Even if you prefer traditional coffee, black or with milk, is for a hangover espresso with lemon is the best. Such a mixture actually relieves the pain of what scientists from the university clinic in Freiburg proved. Caffeine and citric acid block the production of the prostaglandin regulatory enzyme. Prostaglandins are hormones that help to transmit the feeling of pain.
Tests scientific evidence proves that caffeine supports the action of simple painkillers.
9. Howenia sweet - Japanese Raisin Tree.
It has been used for over 500 years in Chinese medicine, incl. for alcohol poisoning, hangover and addiction. In Japan, Howenia is also known for its health properties, which is why it has been used for centuries to protect the liver. The plant is also used for bruises or hepatitis. Howenia also has diuretic and thirst-quenching properties.
10. Eggs.
Pliny the Elder for a hangover, he recommended the use of owl eggs, which are extremely rich in cysteine - an amino acid that enables the synthesis of glutanion, i.e. a compound that fights free radicals. It's hard to find owl eggs today, but other available In addition to numerous micronutrients and vitamins, eggs also contain cysteine that supports detoxification of the body. So let's do eat some eggs for breakfast or lunch.
Cysteine is also found in fresh fish such as salt, parmesan and pistachio nuts.
11. Hydrate your body.
Alcohol works on the pituitary gland by blocking the effects of vasopressin, a hormone that works to counteract dehydration. Therefore, be sure to hydrate your body, preferably drinking plenty of water with lemon and honey, thanks to which you replenish the deficiency of vitamin C and glucose.
If you are wondering how much time it takes for the body to free itself from alcohol, see the approximate table.
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