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Immunity-boosting cocktail

  - killer of colds .

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There can be many reasons for a headache: stress, lack of sleep or too much sleep, dehydration of the body ...

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The weather does not spoil us. Rain, snow, cold… even though the picnic is in a moment. It is worth strengthening the body in a natural way, and what is better than vegetables, fruits and spices? A well-composed cocktail. The recipe below will strengthen the immune system and fight fatigue. Bon appetit and cheer!

Immunity-boosting cocktail

- killer of colds.





  • 2.5 cm of fresh ginger root (peeled and cut into pieces);

  • 1 apple (peeled and cut into pieces);

  • 1  orange (peeled and cut into pieces);

  • 2 carrots (peeled and cut into pieces) ;

  • 0.5 lemon (peeled and cut into pieces);

  • a pinch of cinnamon (or more if you like a more intense cinnamon aroma);

  • 1 teaspoon of honey (the best manuka honey is this honey the strongest against bacteria);  

  • 250 ml of water.  



  • You can  also  to add  1  teaspoon  powdered  fruit  Thanks to this, you will increase the content of vit. C in a cocktail.





  1. We wash, peel and cut into pieces fruit, vegetables and ginger.

  2. We put everything in a blender.

  3. We add water, honey and cinnamon.

  4. Mix everything until smooth.



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