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Sourdough Beet

13  December 2020
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Beet leaven is a very healthy drink, it is worth drinking it even every day - alone or in the company of other vegetables, in cocktails or juices. You can drink it cold or warm it slightly, but remember that if the temperature is not higher than the ambient temperature, it will lose its nutritional value.  


The action of beetroot leaven:


  • cleansing;

  • increases immunity due to the high content of vitamin C; 

  • the dye contained in beetroot acid - betanin:

    • strengthens the circulatory system,

    • regulates blood pressure,

    • lowers cholesterol,

    • improves the absorption of iron.

  • Lactic acid, which is produced by fermentation: 

    • stimulates the work of the intestines,

    • helps with  digestion,

    • supports detoxification,

    • strengthens the immune system,

    • improves the condition of the intestinal bacterial flora and ensures proper bowel movements.

  • improves morphology, counteracting problems with anemia.

  • Beet leaven is also a great detoxifier of the body, recommended in the case of excessive liver load, and also as an aid in the treatment of Candida mycosis.

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Sourdough Beet


  • 1 kg of beetroot,

  • approx. 5 cloves of garlic,

  • 2 bay leaves,

  • 4 grains of allspice,

  • 1 liter of boiled and cooled water,

  • 1 flat tablespoon of rock salt.


  1. Wash and peel the beets  from the peel and cut into thick slices / pieces. 

  2. Place the beets tightly in a stone dish or  glass jar.  Scald the vessel with hot water beforehand to make sure it is clean. (Choose a vessel that does not react with acid.).

  3. Peel the garlic and cut the cloves in half lengthwise. Press the garlic, allspice and bay leaves between the beets.

  4. Mix the water with the salt until the salt dissolves. Pour the beets with such a filling. Remember that all beets must be underneath  water.

  5. Cover the dish with gauze (linen cloth or nappy), holding it with an elastic band or string. He will set it down  in a warm place for about 5-7 days (the warmer, the shorter the pickling time). It is best to check the dish every day. If foam forms on the surface, scoop it up with a clean spoon and stir the whole thing. The leaven is ready when it is dark in color.  Also try whether you prefer more or less acidic and prepare it for storing it in the fridge.

  6. The finished sourdough should be poured through a strainer lined with gauze, then poured into a clean jar, tightly closed and put in the refrigerator. You can keep it for several weeks.

  7. The sourdough beetroot can be used to make, for example,  "pickled beetroot salad with apple",  "pickled beetroot and egg salad",  "pickled beetroot, orange and feta salad"  or press the beetroots through a juicer. Have a try  however, these beets before you start processing them - not everyone likes the taste.  

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