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Child in  home  In  during the epidemic.

What to occupy them?

March 28, 2020
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The world has stopped not only for us adults, but also  also for children.  Children who like to explore the world, run around the playground, swing on swings, play with their peers ... Suddenly cannot meet  with colleagues, a  they spend most of their time at home.   

What to do with children at home:

  • Board games.  


  • Movement games. The popular English game " Simon Says " is that someone is that Simon and says: Simon says ... and here comes the command, e.g. stand on the right leg, or  scratch yourself  thumb  left  hand to right ear.  You can change it to any  name you want. Warm cold  one person is hiding  something somewhere, and the rest are looking for it. If we get closer to the place  where the item you are looking for is hidden  we say "warmth, warmth", and  if we move away from it or are not following it, we say "cold".   

  • Memory cards that you can make yourself with your child for even better fun. You know this  game? You place a few cards face down. Your task is to find the couple  matching cards. You turn up one card and look for another - to pair. If you found it the first time you take a pair  and you turn over another card. If the second card, flipped over, does not match the first one, you place both of them face down and the next person is looking. Depending on the age, you can make easy cards for kids, e.g. draw a yellow circle on one card and smear on the other  yellow color - there is a pair. For older people, on one, draw beaches with the sea, and on the other, a beach umbrella stuck in the sand of the beach, or a bucket: or a cloud  with rain and a pair of cards  with an umbrella. For the elders it may be  multiplication table where one card shows the action (2x2) and the other the result (4). There can also be chemical memories for teenagers: on one card the symbol of the chemical element (Fe), and on the other the name (Iron); either spelling or for the repetition of a foreign language. Match the cards to the age and needs of your own child.

  • Garage for cars . You can make from rolls of disposable towels   garages by sticking them together. This way, you will create tunnels for the cars to stand.

  • Discover the fun  origami. Make animals or boxes for valuables or secret messages out of paper.

  • Dollhouse . Using various boxes that, after covering with colored paper, will create wardrobes, a cabin  shower… check HERE if you need inspiration   or HERE.  

  • Experiments! This is what all children love. Depending on age and interests. On the Internet you will find a lot of interesting suggestions.

  1. You can show how they behave  myself  various liquids :  use the small ones  jars (unless you have test tubes for home experiments for kids)  in one jar  mix a little water  with  a similar amount of yolk  and oil  - mix thoroughly; in the second, some water  and a bit  egg yolks  in the third, water and oil. Set aside for a few minutes. What did you observe?   The oil water will separate. On the other hand, the water with the oil and the yolk will merge with each other. 

  2. Playing in creation  new colors , mix different colors with each other to get new ones.  e.g. red +  yellow = orange ;  Red  +  blue sky i = purple ;  blue and +  yellow = green .

  3. Salt crystals . In a glass / jar, mix the water and salt, pouring salt until it stops  dissolve in water. Tie a string on a stick long enough to reach the bottom of the glass and curl  in her. Put it aside and watch what happens every day. After a few days, the string should be there  covered with salt crystals. 

  4. Geyser.  This  the experiment is best done in the garden or in the shower, due to the large amount of dirt. It is also worth wearing safety glasses and something that will protect the clothes from getting wet.  Buy big  bottles of carbonated drinks (Cola, Sprite,  water  carbonated,  water  still)  and  box  candy  Mentos  mint. Unscrew the bottles and  Put 2-3 mentos in each bottle one by one. Watch the reactions.  In the case of cola, drink  will be very gassy and  it will shoot up, in the case of still water - you won't notice any reactions. It is worth explaining to the child that still water is the healthiest.   

  • Research together . For older people, you can use the website  

  • Cooking together .  Do  together the cookies that the child will cut with the cutters. Muffins, or fruit skewers or colorful sandwiches. Children love to help in the kitchen.



  • Reading together . You can also write a simple text for a younger child yourself, replacing some words with a picture, e.g. draw a tree, house, sun. This is how you read together - you, the words, the pictures of the child.


  • Play in the theater.  If you do not have ready-made puppets, make them yourself: from handkerchiefs, socks ...  puppets  stick your eyes (or  sew) buttons that will be the eyes, use yarn to make hair ...


  • Playing shadow theater . Cut out various shapes from the paper, light a lamp  by making intense light on the wall, and let the shadows be actors. Tell each other stories.


  • Jigsaw puzzle. Draw a picture or cut it from a newspaper and stick it on a hard cardboard. Cut into pieces, larger or smaller depending on age.

  • Endless paper . Cut out the figures from the newspapers, or just the eyes, mouth, noses and create a picture from these elements.   

  • Puns . If you have puns, you know how it works. If not, you can make them yourself - draw or cut from newspapers. Everyone draws  card and for  by means of gestures - without a word, must  show the animal, object or  profession that  shows his card. Others are guessing.

  • Home fitness. Read more and more  about obesity among children. Come up with joint exercises: squats, rompers ...  You can also do yoga together.   


  • Draw a shadow. Spread it out on the floor in place  sunlit paper, (or maybe you have a roll of drawing paper?  Expand it). Along one side, arrange the toys so that there is a shadow  toys fell on the paper - let the child draw the shadow. You can later  have fun guessing which toy this is  shade.  


  • A box of secrets.  It will be useful to you  size box  bigger  boxes  after the shoes. Cut holes on both sides and  secure them with something (e.g. a soft felt) so that the child does not hurt  itself, and could not  peek at what's inside. You can also use a blanket or a large scarf for this then  without a box. Into the box  put different  objects, and the child has to guess what it is by touch. for starters, let it be easy tasks, favorite mascot,  well known  item, over time you can expand your guesswork with more difficult things, e.g. a bag of beans or pasta.    

  • Bivouac.  So what if it's March it's too cold to go camping  and you cannot go out. On the table  put it  blankets or  sheets so that they reach the floor. Your base is under the table. Put some pillows there for you to lie / sit on,  take  a flashlight for reading books or illuminating a wild forest  around your base. Let your imagination take you to the most wonderful place in the world. Kids love to hide  in such places.  

  • Fashion design . Today in stores you can buy  everything, but in my childhood days  you had to use your imagination. Draw a character, or  some pet that you will wear in paper clothes. You can also use the dolls by downloading them for free from this site.  Cut out the figure. You can draw any outfits you want and then cut out - remembering to leave it  little paper "tongues", thanks to which the clothes will stick to the characters.   


  • Molding materials . Plasticine, modeling clay, play-doh, salt mass (1  a glass of wheat flour + 1 glass of salt + water enough to get a compact mass);  paper pulp ...  thanks to such masses you can  create a zoo, a magic forest, and  maybe  needed  garage or dollhouse items? Then you will paint  and ready. If you were  they needed  recipe for the mass  art you can HERE  look.

HERE  you will find  lots of  fun ideas with  children in  of all ages, from toddlers to 10 years old.  


Additional, pages that may come in handy in  home study:

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