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Coffee Martini

February 7, 2020
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Pina Colada cocktail on the beach with coconut and exotic flower.jpg

If you like coffee and sweet flavors this is it for sure  drink  for you. Importantly this  a coffee drink will give you energy, but  not  should  cause insomnia.  It can be the perfect type of dessert at the end of the evening.

History will rise  this  The cocktail dates back most probably to London and 1984. One day to the bar where the famous bartender worked  Dick  Bradsella, she came in  British  top model  and asked for  a cocktail that will wake her up. . Espresso Martini is a cocktail with history, history and legacy.

Remember to always serve food when serving alcoholic cocktails. Perfect for this  tapas.   Not only is food a great companion for alcohol, it also plays a role  primary  role in its absorption.  

Coffee martinis




  • 60 ml of vodka

  • 45 ml  Irish cream liqueur Baileys

  • 45 ml of Kahlua coffee liqueur

  • 30 ml  sugar syrup

  • 30 ml of unsweetened condensed milk 

  • 1/2 cup of strong brewed coffee cooled to room temperature.


  • 15 g of white  chocolate,

  • 6 grains  coffee.  


  1. Use a fine grater to thoroughly grate the white chocolate small  saucer  (the diameter must be larger than the diameter of the glass you will use for this cocktail),

  2. Fill another saucer with water.

  3. Invert the glass / glass, in  which  you will serve a drink  upside down and gently place it in the water.

  4. Holding the glass downwards, transfer it to the chocolate shavings and dip it several times until the chocolate sticks to the glass.

  5. Repeat with the second glass.


  1. Put ice in a shaker and drink it  all ingredients. 

  2. Secure the lid and shake well until the cocktail is chilled well.

  3. Pour in the cocktail  until before  glasses / glasses prepared.

  4. If you want, you can decorate with coffee beans.

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Mule w białym winie i pomidorach.

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Coffee martinis




  • 60 ml of vodka

  • 45 ml  Irish cream liqueur Baileys

  • 45 ml of Kahlua coffee liqueur

  • 30 ml  sugar syrup

  • 30 ml of unsweetened condensed milk 

  • 1/2 cup of strong brewed coffee cooled to room temperature.


  • 15 g of white  chocolate,

  • 6 grains  coffee.  


  1. Use a fine grater to thoroughly grate the white chocolate small  saucer  (the diameter must be larger than the diameter of the glass you will use for this cocktail),

  2. Fill another saucer with water.

  3. Invert the glass / glass, in  which  you will serve a drink  upside down and gently place it in the water.

  4. Holding the glass downwards, transfer it to the chocolate shavings and dip it several times until the chocolate sticks to the glass.

  5. Repeat with the second glass.


  1. Put ice in a shaker and drink it  all ingredients. 

  2. Secure the lid and shake well until the cocktail is chilled well.

  3. Pour in the cocktail  until before  glasses / glasses prepared.

  4. If you want, you can decorate with coffee beans.

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