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As  strengthen the layout  immune 

25 sierpnia 2019

Praktykowanie jogi nad morzem
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We need a healthy and strong immune system not only during a pandemic, but every day. Especially at the time of increased risk of developing  flu  cold  or allergies. A well-functioning immune system plays a key role in defending our body against infections, bacteria, viruses and fungi. if  our body  is weakened it may not cope  with pathogens, which is why it is so important  there is balance in our lives - proper diet, exercise, sleep, attitude  mental, social activity  and  intellectual development.  


Eating wholesome foods :

  • fresh fruit and vegetables . Raw ones have the most vitamins,  values  nutrients, digestive enzymes, and antioxidants  necessary for health  the immune system.  It's good if they wereorganic, i.e.  made without any chemical additives in the form of pesticides  if  artificial fertilizers and  genetically unmodified. 

  • whole grain products . Choose whole grain flour  and bread made of it. Plain white flour contains  a lot of starch, which is not good or healthy for our body. White flour has a high swelling capacity and starch is an element  adhesives. That is why flour in combination with water creates a kind of "glue",  which  hinders the digestive process. However, whole grain flour  it is rich in fiber, which aids digestion and  slows down the absorption of sugars, co  has a positive effect on our metabolism and figure.  Wholemeal flour also contains fewer calories, with 348 calories per 100 g of product, while regular industrial white flour is approximately 362 calories per 100 g of product.

  • exogenous fatty acids . They are essential fats for growth and  cell functioning. You will find them in:  legumes, nuts,  seeds and fatty fish such as salmon (preferably wild-farmed), mackerel, sardines or tuna. 

  • consumption  liquids.  Drink at least eight glasses of water, natural juices  (unsweetened) or  herbal teas.  If you eat  you may feel too little fluid, headache,  constipation, loss of skin elasticity, increased feeling of hunger.



The body likes movement. Choose the physical activity that is best for you. It can be s pacer,  jogging, swimming, gym, tennis, bike, exercise at home ... it is important for you not to forget about  keep moving every day.

WHO (World Health Organization)  recommends that:


Children and adolescents (5 - 17 years old):  

  • Should perform at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.

  • Exercising for more than 60 minutes a day will provide additional health benefits.

  • They should include measures to strengthen the muscles and bones at least 3 times a week.

For a healthy adult (18–65 years):

  • 30 minutes of moderate physical activity for 5 days in  week


  • 20 minutes of very intense physical activity for 3 days in  a week; one that takes 2 or 3 times w  a week of exercises to increase muscle strength and  resilience;


People over 65 years of age:

  • Should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity per week, or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous intensity.

  • Additional health benefits should increase moderate-intensity exercise up to 300 minutes per week or equivalent.

  • People with poor mobility should exercise 3 or more times a week to improve their balance and prevent falls.

  • Muscle strengthening activities should be performed with the major muscle groups, twice a week or more.


At the same time, we  all age groups are recommended to :

  • minimize to  maximum  2 hours a day, time spent in  sitting position (in front of TV screen, computer, etc.).


Meditation, breathing exercises . 

A calm mind is a healthy body. When you're overwhelmed  thinks, it's hard for you to fall asleep. You eat a lot or not at all. Whole  your  the body is on standby ... and this is not conducive to it  the immune system. choose  activity that lets you  calm down and calm the mind.  


During sleep , our body regenerates and rests. Its deficiency results in irritability, worse ability to focus on problems or  solving them. In children who sleep too little, the level of intelligence decreases. 

It is worth remembering that not only the quantity, but also the quality of sleep is important and what doctors recommend in the East - an adult person should go to bed between 9:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., because the hours of sleep until midnight have a huge impact on the well-being and the degree of sleep.


You can also support yourself  herbs,  which  strengthen the body:  astragalus ,  cloves, Echinacea, elderberry flower and fruit, garlic, ginseng, green tea, licorice , turmeric , thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, ginger.  


  • inorganic meat.  During breeding  industrial  the animals are fed varyingly  quality feed, often genetically modified. They are given antibiotics and hormones  steroids that go to ours along with meat  plates, then  into our body. Such a mix  chemistry weakens us  organism. 

  • excess fat . Avoid animal fats,  who can  contribute to weakness  the body's resistance.

  • antibiotics and corticosteroids (steroid hormones) . Drugs of this type save lives in some cases, al  overusing them can weaken the immune system and lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, edema, obesity, loss of calcium from the bones and secondary osteoporosis.   



  • sugar.  Despite the good taste, sugar is there  harmful  for our body. It reduces the resources of vitamins and minerals, weakens the immune system and  promotes the development of infection  fungal. 

  • alcohol. Although some researchers believe that red wine has a good effect on our health, they do not recommend drinking it excessively . Alcohol weakens our immune system.

  • artificial food additives and pesticides .  They are often found in  inorganic food causing more than just that  weakening our body, but exposing us to various diseases.

  • refined products  processed or preserved and carbonated drinks.  These products disturb the balance  minerals in our body.

  • margarine,  sauces  salad, and  oils  for cooking.

  • products you have  food allergies or intolerances.  Such products can be: dairy, gluten, corn products, eggs, oranges, strawberries, pork, tomatoes, coffee, tea, peanuts and chocolate. If you feel unwell sometimes  after  you eat some products, but you don't know which is bad for you, try an elimination diet .  


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